Peter Meter

New post in the works, in the process of reworking this thing.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Start up

This blog is currently underconstruction please stand by for added material.


the mask said...

I'm taking betts. I give this thing three weeks. A popular bet off the bat: will there be a blog on here?

I hope you can keep us updated tho - don't get me wrong.

how about a "where is my friendship with bq currently?" blog. or, a 1 - 10 system on how chapped your bottom is.

look out for gorillas - the animals

Unknown said...

I am in agreement with the Mask. How long will the content of this blog be fruitfull? I too, would like to remain informed about the BQ and Petro relationship status. The trip will be interesting but the relationship is the real experiement. Pete, invest in some bear spray beacuse you may need to use it on Q.

The World According to Zeke said...


I too would like to see a friendship barometer on the blog, a sliding scale of 1-10. Could be fun to see what it was like just before that base jumping off of Jesus's dong "accident" happens at sao paulo. I can not wait to see what sort of grammatical and intellectual gifts will be bestowed upon us here in the near future. Stay safe.

Regan said...

Petronomics, I am requesting routine disclosure on your bank account balance, noted expenditures, and how much you have lost to pick pocketers, lady friends, and street hustlers.

Also, if we could get reports on whether Randy is accepted in foreign cultures.

In addition to the travel blog, should I send you my home address for your mailing list?

Uncle said...

I was a big fan of your list of subjects Petro and even some of the subjects submitted by my fellow bloggers. By the way, this is the first f*cking blog I have ever participated in and it goes against ever fiber of my being. In any event, I would like to see a discussion entitled, "When did I eat corn" with pictures of course. I am sure that the people of South America will be more accepting of the misunderstood Petro aka gay Petro. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Mark Paul said...

-Herald Times movie preview of “Petro y Q – A Better Way”

Two American cousins who have not maintained contact set off on a voyage across the world with a plan to find themselves and bond with each other -- to become brothers like they’ve always dreamed. Their "spiritual quest", however, veers rapidly off-course (due to events involving over-the-counter pain killers, Chilean cough syrup, and pepper spray), and they eventually find themselves stranded alone in the middle of the Patagonian desert with 1 backpack, magnetic chess, and two dreamer catchers. At this moment, a new, unplanned journey suddenly begins.

Please finish the manuscript………..

Brian Quarnstrom said...

Ah, the much awaited counterblog. Hopefully this will remain a more factual and objective blog than mine has become. See you in a few hours.

Friends 'til it's not convenient,