Peter Meter

New post in the works, in the process of reworking this thing.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The other side of the story

Buenos Tardes, and los sientos for not posting lately but I have been super busy at the camp I`m volunteering at (the hostle). Where do I began as this may be my last post as the computer game that the kids are playing next to me right now has seem to caught my interest. Well bad news down South the night manager at the Hardrock Cafe said that "I´m not Hardrock material, because I do not posses the American qualities they are looking for" just my luck! So it looks like it back to pounding the pavement for ol´Petro. On the lighter side of things the pool was drained and cleaned at the hostle which is a good thing.
As my friend Brian had mentioned in his blog he has been having a rough go getting some sleep as of late. Three of the six nights we have been here Brian has awoken from his slumber in a somewhat violent manner yelling things like "Hey..hey where am I" or my favorite "who is that" The first time this happened I could not have been nicer as I talked BQ down and got him back to bed. The second time I simply said in a loud voice that "nobody is out to get you go to bed". The last time this happened I think I was a little over the top as I yelled "BQ shut the ---- up and go to bed you cry baby". Needless to say the next morning I felt bad about this and was quick to apologize, it was unnecessary. I just want to know what "Special" uncle is responsible for this, the silience is killing my friend.
Other than that we have just been enjoying ourselves in Buenos Aires. We are both taking private intensive language classes everyday here and they seem to help. Today I was able to order lunch without having to point to my stomach and make a hungry face. Next stop will hopefully be Cordoba, Argentina where we are trying to find work on a dove hunting ranch and continue to nail down the languge. More later, my ipod just died and I realiezed that the entire internet cafe is full of kids playing the game I was talking about. It sounds like somebody just busted open a Pinita (spelling ?)

Your Chico Pietro


Jeff said...

First post!!!

I have been waiting all day for a new post, Petro. There is no real news from "the states". The boys are going on a cold weather camp-out this weekend - I was not interested.


ps-Q-Storm needs the kind of tough love you are giving him; his mom was way too easy on him growing up.

Brian Quarnstrom said...

eat poop jeffrey.
does´nt betty still send PB&Js with you to school?

Jeff said...

Brian, I live on my own now.

ps: I am going to my parents for dinner tonight

Regan said...

You shouldn't have been showing off your version of Spanish during your Hard Rock interview.

Becky called you "Pedro" today.

Andy said...

Uno dos tres.....sieta ocho nueva....this is our song...gracias para listening.
Yo trabajar en el railroad!
Loving the stories. Keep them coming. Any desire to buy a mini scooter or motor bike over there?
Viva la vida.

Unknown said...

Who is in the pictures you have posted on your slide show? How in the H-E-Double Hockey Stick did those get on there? Who are those people? I am really intrigued by these photo's.
