Peter Meter

New post in the works, in the process of reworking this thing.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Funny thing about that...

I am beginning to think Americans have it ass backwards. Don´t worry I am not renouncing my homeland in any way. There are just a few things that I would like to see changed by the time I get back. As many can attest Petro is not one for the morning and the great thing about that is I have yet to particapate in one down here. I am convinced that the little mouse in my head does not even get on the wheel until 2:oo pm at the earliest. The schedule just works for me down here. Today I had my morning Cafe Leche at 2:30 and I´m just now staring to think about lunch and it is almost 6:00. I don´t see why it is a big deal to start your day later as long as you start it and finish it later. The Argentine also seem to put a huge emphaisis on down time and that is right up my alley (Note: This notion my be slighty skewed as I am baseing this off the time I have spent hanging around the hostel). Lastly, although I would be terrified to do it just yet the driving here just seems to make sense. I have always said that when operating a vehicle it should be up to the indivual to drive within their comfort zone. Here stop lights are merely a suggestion, it appears you can drive as fast as the sitution will allow and weaving in and out of traffic adds a certian element of excitement to driving that I so desire.

That being said I´m not giving up my passport just yet. I just wish we could embrace some of their customs (especially empanadas; meat and cheese stuffed pastries). However, there are some customs of ours that I wish the Argentine would embrace. For example not allowing your dog to take a shit wherever he darn well please. Poo poo is everywhere here. True story; I was having my afternoon cafe today and this chico walks by with his perro and the dog stoped five feet from my table and took a steamer right there, then the dude just walked away like it was nothing. It is disappointing to say but Buenos Aires is really dirty, it is almost as if they have no idea of our current global sitution. It is a crazy great city with much cultrual significance and beautiful sights but there is trash and dookies everywhere. It is smilar to the scene in Anchor Man where Ron and the boys are walking through a beautiful park taking a strolling lunch and disgarding their trash as they walk.
Last night we went about town for our first real night out. A group of us from the hostle all Americans started the night at our villa with dinner and much Quilmes (local beer, good too I might add). About 3:00 am we decided it was time to head out to the clubs as they are just opening at this time ( I believe that Uncle Joe had his alarm set for an hour later to get the first crack at the obituaries). We went to a diso teca where we had a great time dancing and taking in the latino energy. All was going smashingly well until Brian and I started a "U-S-A" chant and a crowd of over 400 stopped dancing all at once... (If anyone is actually still reading this that did not really happen, although for a split second anyone reading this was shaking there head and thinking "Not again Petro"). I can´t promise you that when I go to have Chili Cheese fries and Budwiesers at the local TGIF tonight that that will happen. The night ended with us getting into a cab about 6:00 am and tucking ourselves in to our shared loft in the sweltering heat. All in a days work!

Still Really enjoying unemployment.

PS Kepp your fingers crossed I just dropped off my application to bartend at Hardrock Cafe down here. I would have to cut my hair so I´m pretty torn over the whole thing.


Jeff said...

While the night terror thing may have been a joke, I would still like to hear the the story and what exactly Q was doing. Other than that, I have absolutely nothing to contribute to this blog.



Regan said...

Petro, I was pulled over for going 32 MPH this morning.

Sprint once had the roadside MPH reader set up on their campus street to get cars to watch their speed. As we were walking by one day, someone asked me how fast I could run... I was measured at 20mph, dressed in business attire, including dress shoes. Basically, I got ticketed this morning for driving about as fast as I could run. Silly USA.

The World According to Zeke said...

Petro, my brother. Matt Blunt has been made aware of your blog and appointed you blogger laureate for the Great State of Missouri. What an honor, he is no fool and obviously has a great eye for literary talent and a quick wit. You make me jealous; you mangy argentinian mutt, but damn you look good. You tell those bastards at the Hard Rock to cut their own damn hair. Gramps wouldn't have it any other way, he did the very same thing to the Krauts in the Great War. Damn it, he died so that you could have that sess pool of grimy dreads atop your noodle. USA!USA!USA!USA!

Andy said...

Your next blog had better include your and Brian's plans for being in Rio for Carnival. If you don't make it there for that party, you might as well just come home now. While you and Brian seem to be taking in some great nightlife, I really don't think it compares to Jen and I's latest hobby of one-on-one Yatzee and hitting the hay at 9:30. Remember to keep Renfield locked away over there and don't cut that hair!

Big Bird said...

Bossman, love the blog. but i could do without all the foul language.

i'm currently filling in for you on the mask's crew. hey speaking of which, when you worked for kevin, did he allow you to make eye contact with him? things sure change when he steps onto the job site. he's always telling me i'm on "thin ice" and stuff. uh oh, time to go to work..

p.s. i think C.H.I.P. 1 has malfunctioned.

Unknown said...


I just wanted to add something to this blog becuase it is sooo interesting. Tell those damn south "wannabe" americans to shove their enpanidas up their a$$. Out of respect for Konnor I am going to try and keep it clean just like you should do with yourself down there.

^^ This is the International
\/ symbol of love, share it!


Unknown said...

one more thing, does anyone know the web address for quarnstrom's blog? I hear it is much more interesting.

Check u Later