Rarely, do I wear tank tops but when I do I wear them super tight, super awesome and I think about my friend Brian Quanrstrom. Today I happen to be wearing a tank top. . .
For those of you who are scratching their heads and wondering who exactly Brian Quarnstrom is, let me tell ya. BQ was born the son of Andrew and Jane Q on September 27, 1982 exactly one week after I. Q has two sisters and though he love them dearly it is no secret that Brian yearned for a brother. Being the resourceful and persistent individual that he is Brian has managed to find several comrades that he would call brother.
Fact: I have known Q all his life.
However it wouldn't be tell later in our lives that we would truly become friends. I think it had something to do with my early traumatic memories of Mikey and Andy Tiehen egging on their pseudo brother Brian to gang up in calling me "Mr. Poopy Face" on our way to preschool. I'm not sure but I think we parted ways after my mom pulled me out of that preschool. I lived on one side of State Line Brian lived on the other. Even though we were second cousins, grew up doing the exact same things and only lived a few blocks apart it wouldn't be until sixth grade that our paths would cross again. He and his cousin/brother/now ex-lover Andy apparently took up Brian's mother's offer to bring them along for "take your kid to work day". Janey Quarnstrom was my sixth grade teacher at Nativity Parish School. I remember her to be a patient, caring and inspiring teacher, a real classy lady. Well the apple must have fallen off the tree and rolled down a mountain because Brian was a huge disruption to my learning on the day of his visit. I remember him and Andy entering our classroom wearing unbuttoned flannel shirts and jeans just giving us the stare down as to see who would flinch first. They took a seat at the teacher's desk in the comfy swivel chairs and mocked us when Janey had her back to us. I sat there in my uniform having spit balls flung a me from the teacher's punk kid who had this stupid grin on his face. The raw emotions and the pain of my early days in preschool came back in a swirling anger that made me want to punch Brian in the face for the first time.
Our forces would unite that summer in 1997 when we both scratched our way on to the freshman "A" football team. Making the A team was a good lesson in "If you ain't first your last" because had I made the "B" team I would of actually got some playing time that year. It was all good though because the time on the bench was spent with my new found amigos Andy and Brian. Although, the majority of our discussions dealt with why I was a lesser person then they because I did not go to St. Thomas Moore, I could feel our friendship was truly growing.
Our time in high school was spent perusing for chicks, chugging shoulder tapped beer, slapping high fives and sticking it to the man.
Fact: Brian can claim that he was the Home Coming King his senior year.... so he's got that going for him.
A more accurate portrayal of our/my glory days would include; being active members of the herpetology club (President senior year), photography buffs, grab-assing and a whole lot of guy time.
It is a funny thing knowing someone as well as I know Brian. As you have gathered, a significant amount of my youth, my journey into manhood was spent with that guy. I have been in some tight spots with him and have conquered some impossible odds in his presence. He also happens to be the individual who has come the closet to killing me, a title that I can truly appreciate being on the reverse side of. Without trying to creep out my Grandma too much (she is the last one checking in on the blog)I would say I know BQ rather intimately!
When Brian informed me that he was to depart on a journey that had no destination other then the open road, a pack and the chance that he might one day come back I figured he wasn't jiving me but I never really knew how far he would go. I kinda thought he might go hide out in the Caribbean for a summer and then come back and talk about all the chicks he macked. Obviously, he far exceeded my expectations. Say what you will about the bastard but the man chased the dream and did something that very few people in the world will or have ever done. I had the good sense to sign up for a leg of that journey and boy am I glad I did. The experience was something that I will never be able to adequately explain or do it justice by speaking of it but it gave me a great appreciation for life and what I have. For almost half a year we fumbled through South America with just the packs on our backs, it wasn't until almost three months in that we slept in separate rooms for a night (How do you like that for intimacy). I say this not to speak of my travels as that is not the point of this post but to convey the sincere astonishment I have for the 512 day Walk About that Brian recently completed. I do not know how many countries ended up stamping his passport but I imagine it is somewhere in the neighborhood of 40-50. To do what he has done on the budget he had is nothing short of remarkable, it takes a stubborn, motivated, clever and ballsy individual to do what BQ has done. It didn't hurt that ketchup (found in every corner of the earth) was like some sort of magic potion that allowed him to block out whatever foul tasting crap he forced down his throat along the way. Regardless, as my last post on this blog site I would like to salute my Brother Brian for making my life a little more interesting and thank him for chasing the dream and keeping it real. Welcome home Q!
1 comment:
final post? oh grrrreat :(
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