Peter Meter

New post in the works, in the process of reworking this thing.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Well I have experienced no highs and no lows over the job conquest yet. You might say that I am in career limbo and you might not even call it a career as I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I have been playing the waiting game of sorts since my interview on Tuesday. The meeting went well we talked in terms of me having the job and we left it with me starting this Friday/tomorrow so that's a good thing. One major immediate downside about starting tomorrow is that I leave for ten days on Wednesday next week. Needless to say, Ol' Petro is a little concerned about his job security while away. I did notify them of this trip before they hired me but they will not have learned to miss me by then and might just find a replacement Petro whilst I'm away. Maybe I will bring donuts tomorrow.
Being unemployed and in a new city might prompt you to ask the question "So what does Petro do with his time?"
Well that's none of your damn Business!
Talk to you soon.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Still here in San Diego and still unemployed. I have one solid lead going and will most likely find out my fate tomorrow, so think positively. Really not 100% sure what to expect but that's what makes this process so fun that and the harsh in your face reality of rejection!

Kelly and I went to see my new cousin Dominic not Dominique as some have pronounced incorrectly. I'll say this much that kid is all man... nothing like his father. Below are some photos of us bustin our first hang together, Eric and Kristin showed up too and it was fun seeing them.

So far all is good here save that lack of job business. I am still confident it will work out though and if not what better place to be homeless. The locals have started taking to me as well, not necessarily in a good way but still they're taking to me. I do feel like sometimes I'm not cool enough to live here but that is a demon I will forever have to wrestle with on my own. What else can I say things are going great!

I'll keep you posted on the job and friend hunt.


Friday, December 5, 2008

Unemployed Again

I thought I might start blogging again and see how long it would take for someone to stumble across this post.
I arrived in San Diego a little over a week ago astonished at the fact that my '99 Chevy Lazer had little problems making the overland haul to the West coast. Upon arrival I was greeted by my overly excitable dog Mia, thank God she was there as Kelly had to finish up with a late surgery and I was tired of talking to myself.
Since then I have seen Kelly and she is doing and looking great but not nearly as excited to see me as Mia was. That's okay though I would not want her to pee here pants every time she saw me! Enough about being excited to see me and more about my new digs.
Life here has been good thus far, I love the weather, hanging out with my girls and the idea of a new adventure as scary as it may be. As you are all aware the economy stinks right now and it is a little difficult finding work towards the end of the year in a city where you know no one. That's alright though I have a feeling something will work out as it always seems to. I do have one thing in the oven so keep your fingers crossed or throw a prayer my way with the big guy.
It has been an interesting transition from KC to San Diego when I left almost two weeks ago I was at my max stress level after putting a button in my sister's new kitchen, saying my goodbyes and packing to leave for the next part of my life. Know that I am here and once again unemployed I have had time to relax, unwind and take in an appreciation for my ability to cram three weeks of work into two. Of course that would not have been possible without the help and support of many people as always seems to be the case... that's why it is always hard to leave my beloved KC. However, I am here now and I will keep you posted on how things pan out.