Peter Meter

New post in the works, in the process of reworking this thing.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Shout out to my brother Chuck!

I have returned from my brief stint as a Gaucho farm hand and I must say that I still prefer city life over sleeping on lamb wool. I do feel that we as Americans live a glutinous lifestyle however, shame on all of you for always having to use your "own" fork and spoons! Shame on you for refrigerating your goat meat. Just hang it on the hook next to the dinner table. And shame on you for owning more than one pair of underware you can´t wear them both at once! Life on the ranch just seemed to make more sense.
Well the time came a little earlier then expected but we had to get the hell off the ranch as the second week lacked any real adventure and started to mirror slave hood. All in all I am darn sure that someday in the near future I will only remember the good experiences of the last two weeks. There were some great ones at that. (See BQ´s blog for more of an in depth report on the weeks activities- Reluctantly, I must admit that my critics were right, paying to work is not all its cracked up to be. So upon my return home I will go back to practicing capitalism in my work experiences.
Onward, the next stop for ol´Petro is the supposed trout fishing capital of the world, Junin De Los Andes, AR. This will be nothing more than a 24 hour layover as I make my way into Valdivia, Chile. Don´t think for one moment that your boy ain´t gonna wet a line though. I have great envisions of feasting on frest trout a welcomed change from goat. By dumb luck (which is my favorite kind) we are arriving in Valdivia on the eve of their largest annual festivle Noche de Valdivia which sounds very promising as the city was founded by Germans and is renowned for its breweries and fireworks. (I think the latter is actually Chinese)
One last thing, it is becoming apparent to me that I need to get mobile in someway. So I was thinking that I should either walk the docks/marina and try getting on a sailing, fishing or yachting crew. However, I´m reluctant to that idea more now then ever as my last "volunteer" job was not so hot. The other idea is buying a used motorcycle on the cheap and travel around on it for a bit. Anyhow, I will leave this up for a vote. Please feel free to voice your opinion. I just ask that you try to remain positive. (Brother Zeke- By the way big shout out to him on turning thirty this last week, did not see that one coming...Happy Birthday brosif!) Also as of right now I am unable to upload pictures to the site because of technical difficulties. (I lost the USB cord. Not to worry situation is under control.) However, you can check out some pics on BQ´s site of the beautiful Patagonia scenery. I will also hold to vote whether I should cut the hair or not as it is starting to feel similar to wearing a wool cap in August. Please keep in mind that certain people´s opinions will weigh more heavily then others on this matter. I.E. Mark Paul and my stylist Lori Underwood. Thats all I have for now sorry for taking up your time... deal with it!

Much Love


* L.O.M.E so sorry to hear about my boy Shaq-Nasty gettin the boot from the Heat. What has happened to the Heat since that Triumphant 2006 season.

*Jacque please proof read and send back ASAP. I almost gave up writing becasue of you.

* Big Reg where have you been on the post I´ve been missing you.

* Stitches I have blocked you from this blog (Jacque your next)

* Erin the Peter Meter done broke but rest assure I´m putting my best man on it!

* T-Bone don´t think for one moment that I don´t have high hopes of resurrecting Tiehen Lawn Service. Call Mike and see where his interest level is at.

* Mandi the beard is as grisly as ever and I would like to honor Mike´s request however, I don´t have a razor that will trim it. Explain to Mike that I´m working on it.

*Hi Sweetums

*Jefferey I´m glad I can shed just a little bit of light on your dark dreary days in class. Knowing that makes this all worth it.

* Mom when you see your name and the message you just typed on the computer screen you have successfully posted a comment!

* Vic tell those kids to stay in school the Gaucho life is no life for them

* Last and most importantly a big hello to you G-ma! The Caballos (Horses) do speak Spanish here, I had a the only bilingual one however.

*Please note that the USB cord situation is not under control and if anyone has an extra one laying around I could use it please*


betty kratofil said...

pete, love the blog - keep em coming -take care and take it easy in Chile - you guys are working way to hard - i thought your were suppose to be on vacation!!!??? any crappie in those lakes? keep eating those tums. love, aunt betty

Jake S said...

Mr. El Petro,
Thanks for the update, I'm glad you are coming back to the capitolistic way of life, i was worried that you were becoming a communist or something - especially since you might get a motorcylce and turn into that revolutionary dude Che Guevara. He got his start in South America.
He was actually a Marxist.

Mom S said...

Petropolis, I am glad to see that we didn't raise no dummy and you know when to call it hasta la vista!
We celebrated Ben's birthday tonight, missed you during grace but Ben managed to make you a part of it.
Ok so should we head to uraguay?
I would like to see some beach action if we get there.
Your's and Brian's valentines are back at the ranch with the gauchos...oh well.
love you,

Unknown said...

schlack, i have a feeling that "valentines" are not the only things you and Q left w/ the gauchos. hey man, once its gone, its gone (so i learned from Brokeback).

also, thanks for the shout out.

now i am going to tell you how to create a usb cord a-la-Appollo 13 style:

First, cut a HandSpring Treo cable (about $7 on eBay, or $1 in Argentinian blackmarket) at the mid point. Leave 1 inch at each ends and cut off the cover by .5 in. Also cut off a 1.5 in heat-shrink tube for later use. Cut the wire tips so that the longest one at the left side is the shortest one at the right side, vice versa. This way, the to-be-soldered contacts will not touch each other. Don't forget to put on the heat shrink tube to one side before you start soldering. Now solder these ends: red to red, green to green, etc. Use a electric tape wrap the naked wires and prepare the shielding tips like this. Solder the shielding tips well, so it is hard to break this short cable even you stretch it hard. Now move the heat shrink tube to the middle and heat it with a heat gun.

big T said...

Schlack daddy - keep the hair going. On your arrival back to the states I envisioned you looking like Forrest Gump while running around America........I dont want to recognize you. I also like the idea of you getting on a motorcycle or boat and losing Q - that way we could read two completely different blogs?

The World According to Zeke said...

Petro, petro, petro
Donde hace su cerebro ir estúpido. ¿Usted se ha olvidado de nuestro reparto? You cut your hair, you may as well cut off your testiculos. You manned up and made a deal with the devil. Go ahead and cut your mangy mane and leave your manhood on the barber shop's floor as well. My hair is looking oh so fine- and long. I wouldn't think about cutting it. My own brother and I swore on our fathers soul that we wouldn't cut our hair until we were reunited in the flesh. Don't go and blow a good thing, however it would be kind of fun to see ol Schlack in hades, wouldn't it?
"Get back to work old timer, that cart of stones aint going to move itself up that hill" as el diablo cracks his whip on the schlacks back again. That would be too funny, we could watch for hours.
We had a deal, and to dishonor it would be like pimping your sister out or maybe even a close cousin (misty?).
I am opposed to the motorcycle idea, you seem to be able to crash just about anything. I would imagine that whatever medical care you get there it would still be sub par to your current "pediatric care specialist and Andrea Schloegel DDS discounted to free.99" health care plan. Not to mention your premiums could go up with a lapse in coverage or big time international claim.
Keep on keeping it real and go out and get your own self some slave labor.
Don't go a dying on me though, I can't stand my hair that much longer.

Mark Paul said...

El Petro,

Boy do I wish I was out there with you two bastards! F*** the goat meat and get your ass on that bike. (I know how you don't like swear words). Anywho, I'm glad you guys are back in contact - now I have something better to do with my time. Oh, but don't worry about me, I'll be in front of the computer most days.

Did Q do anything weird on the ranch?

Did you hear that your cousin Julie Sailors snagged a modeling contract. She's doing romance novel cover shoots.

I swear to the good, baby Jesus that I saw Randy the other day - he was all hot about some off season trade the Chiefs made.

Petro said...

Zeke you best not cut that hair because these golden locks are here to stay! I had forgotten about that particular deal with the devil, so many it is hard to keep track. Don´t be puttin your best marble up for the taken because your boy is coming back looking like a Hansen brother.
Mark Paul, is the joke over yet? Really, your still working as a lawyer? Hop on ol´Blue Steele and get your bottom down here brother. What are you doing right now... truly what are you doing?
Be-bop, hold up there its green to red and melt the yellow one? Same goes to you pack your bag and get down here you have a secured job and there are no more academic records left for the taking. Take a week off class and get your darn rear in gear ol boy.
I Betts good to see you on the post. Hope all is well.

Unknown said...


I don't have anything cool or funny to say, but i wanted to be a part of the blog. I am glad to see that stitches has been banned from the blog (no one every really liked him anyway). Keep on Keepn' on and let me know where i should meet you and BQ.


Unknown said...

Keep the hair-Just have it braided!!
Take more photos-of your sleeping arrangements, toilet area and transportation.

Enzminger said...

The sheets are cleaned and starched, waiting for your gold locks to rest upon the recently fluffed pillow at the Arthur halfway house.
Give me the word and I know Whit will have scrambled eggs and hash browns waiting for you upon your arrival.
Te amo much...

Unknown said...

Brian's blog is bigger than your blog; na na na na na. Wait it is actually more of a pain to read. DOWN WITH Q'S BLOG! from now on i am only going to read your blog unless Uncle Brian cuts down the length of his entries. I feel like i am back in school and i did not go to school to go back to school. Inform brian of the dire situation at hand.

Brian Quarnstrom said...

Hey Charles,
Good to hear from my favorite nephew. Don´t you worry about struggling through that mess of letters on my site, i will send you the cliffnotes of each entry.

Uncle Q